About Me
I am an M.Phil. candidate in Robotics at the Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. My research focuses on adaptive control integrated with learning methods for robotic systems. I have experience working with a variety of robotic platforms, including UAVs, UGVs, UUVs, bipedal, and quadrupedal robots.
My supervisors are Prof. Chih-Yung Wen and Dr. Boyang Li. We are also affiliated with the Research Centre of Unmanned Autonomous Systems (RCUAS). Before beginning my postgraduate studies, I worked as a Research Assistant at the Hong Kong Center for Construction Robotics (HKCRC), a research institution under The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology led by Prof. Zexiang Li.
From a high-end perspective, I am interested in applying optimal control theories to the design of estimators and controllers for robotic systems while leveraging data-driven methods to address complex dynamics. I am particularly passionate about solving field robotics challenges, where systems must operate under real-world conditions, including noise, disturbances, and uncertainties.
Project Highlights
a) Improving Adaptability of Koopman Operators for Underactuated Robots

b) A Bootcamp for Legged Robotics via Biped and Quadruped Simulation (Code)

c) Experimental Non-Robocentric Dynamic Landing of Quadrotor UAVs with On-Ground Sensor Suite (Code PDF)

d) Fixed-Time Adaptive Consensus Control for Multi-Quadrotor Subject to External Disturbances Via Deep Reinforcement Learning

e) An Adaptive Model Predictive Control for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles subject to External Disturbances and Measurement Noise (Code PDF)

f) Toy Convex Solver (Code PDF)

g) An Autonomous UGV with LOAM (Code-SITL Code-Firmware)

h) Bug Planner Implementation for Nonholonomic Planner Robots (Code)

i) Autonomous Dynamic Object Tracking/Following UAV (Code PDF)

- L.-Y. Lo, B. Li, C.-Y. Wen, and C.-W. Chang, “Experimental Non-Robocentric Dynamic Landing of Quadrotor UAVs with On-Ground Sensor Suite,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM), vol. 73, 2024. (link)
- L.-Y. Lo, Y. Hu, B. Li, C.-Y. Wen, and Y. Yang, “An adaptive model predictive control for unmanned under-water vehicles subject to external disturbances and measurement noise,” in 2024 14th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). IEEE, 2024, pp. 01–07. (link)
- Y. Yang, K. Liu, L.-Y. Lo, T. Huang, Y. Fu, and C.-Y. Wen, “Fixed-time adaptive consensus control for multi-quadrotor subject to external disturbances via deep reinforcement learning,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automation and Science Engineering (TASE), 2024.
- W. Yang, Z. Tan, Y. Xue, L.-Y. Lo, K. Liu, and C.-Y. Wen. “Hierarchical 3D scene graph based metric semantic slam for object mapping and counting,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2024.
- L.-Y. Lo, B. Li, C.-Y. Wen, and C.-W. Chang, “Landing a quadrotor on a ground vehicle without exteroceptive airborne sensors: A non-robocentric framework and implementation,” in 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). IEEE, 2023, pp. 6080–6087. (link)
- L.-Y. Lo, C. H. Yiu, Y. Tang, A.-S. Yang, B. Li, and C.-Y. Wen, “Dynamic object tracking on autonomous uav system for surveillance applications,” Sensors, vol. 21, no. 23, p. 7888, 2021. Editor’s Choice Article. (link)